Going to talk about blog niche ideas for 2020 and in particular, I want to share with you a blog niche idea that makes over 31 thousand dollars a month what's up guys my name is Greg Kononenko you might also know me as the caffeinated blog.
I'm going to do alot of research for you and I'm going to show you the exact niche that is makingover thirty one thousand dollars a month also I'm gonna show you exactly how thatniche makes that money exact website ideas for keywords that you can use andhow you can actually get started today in this niche so first of all here isthe proof how I made thirty one thousand twohundred and twenty five dollars in one month with a food blog so the case studyand the niche and the website that we're going to be looking at today is calledforty aprons calm and this website.
This lady Cheryl and Cheryl hasbeen running this website for a little while now and she publishes regularincome reports the most recent one that I could find on her website is fromAugust 2019 and in August 2000 nineteen she made thirty one thousand dollars andif we just take a look at some of the stats here you can see here is here Iher page views so many days she gets over twenty sometimes even over thirtythousand page views let me just get that up on the big screen here so you can seeover twenty thousand page views per day normally on her websitehow does she actually make the money well luckily she has written a prettydetailed explanation.
Of her income and most of her revenue actually comes fromAD thrive if you're not familiar with AD thrive ad thrive is kind of similar toGoogle Adsense and media vine eats this is exactly where those ads that you seeon her posts are so if I go into one of her posts hereany of the posts really you will see that there is this ad at the bottom andas I'm scrolling through I'm going to see more ads see this is a net herethere is a video ad here so all of those are automatically inserted by thiscompany called ad thrive into Cheryl's posts and then people look at these adsthey see those ads they click on those ads and Cheryl gets paid either perclick or per thousand impressions
And if you average it outshe actually shares the information here her IPM revenue per thousand impressionsokay so per thousand page views is almost $27 us which is really reallygood so for every thousand visitors that get onto her blog on to forty aprons comshe makes approximately twenty seven dollars and when you get twenty tothirty to forty thousand page views per day there's no surprise that she makesalmost a thousand dollars a day from ads out of interest I've had a look on adress to analyze this domain forty aprons calm and of course everythingchecks out but it's still interesting to see that she's currently ranking forclose to a hundred thousand different keywords and according to a travƩs shecurrently gets approximately two hundred thousand visitors per month but ofcourse she is actually getting a lot more as we saw in the income
Tends to underestimate the amount of traffic they do the same thing for mywebsite as well it shows a lot less traffic than what I'm actually gettingso let's take a look at what kind of keywords this website is currentlyranking for and surprise surprise this is of course a food blog so food nicheis an excellent niche for anyone to get into and this is something thatliterally you or you know anyone online can start doing it doesn't require anyspecial knowledge all it requires is food text and photos as you're preparingthe food and put that information up onto a blog so the way that this worksjust in case you kind of not familiar with the whole blogging situation if youlook at this keyword here eggroll in a bowl you will see that currently fortyaprons is ranking on position three for this keyword so if we take this keywordand we open up a new page as you can see here on the google search engine resultpages.
We will see that forty aprons com is ranking right here with a nicefive-star rating so that's how people find forty aprons com they type indifferent things into Google they click onto the result and then they look atthe information here and after they've looked at the information they'll clickon some ads for example they might click on this ad they might watch this videothey might click on this ad and that is exactly how for the apron score actuallymakes the money if we go back to the income report you will see that thereare some other amounts of income they are the minority that Cheryl makes hersponsored posts she has published some sponsored Porsche probably charges Iwould say anywhere from a hundred to maybe 300 dollars per sponsored postwhere she links.
Out to somebody else typically or she promotes something shealso has a coaching group so two and a half thousand dollars I'm assuming thatthis is probably most likely just one client that she's taken on but againit's just two and a half thousand out of about thirty and she's made a little bitof money from other places you can see actually her Filat earnings are quitelow just two hundred and forty four dollars but the interesting thing for mepersonally is that you can make really really good revenue per thousandimpressions in the food niche which actually has very very low competitionon Google you can publish recipes on Google and you can get so much trafficfor free from Google search if you choose your keywords correctly and weyou actually can see the perv that the ad revenue in this niche is actuallyreally high let's take a look at some of the keywords that forty aprons com iscurrently ranking.
For so again I'm inside my aged wife's account and hereare all of the keywords so seventy four thousand different keywords that arecurrently coming up on on the US Google and if I apply this keyword difficult tofilter so let's just take a look at some of the keywords thatare reasonably easy so I go to keyword difficulty maximum seven let's take alook at how many keyword opportunity is there outall right so now that list is twenty six thousand eight hundred differentkeywords which is a lot you can write a ton of articles on these twenty sixthousand different keywords and you can see that a lot of them have got keyworddifficulty of one so air fryer tater tots how cool is that she's ranked asnumber one this is keyword difficulty one and if we look at search engineresult pages you can see that the results here are super weak so we've gota website that's ranked as number five it's AR is sixty million which basicallymeans that it's at the very bottom
The ranking table onATF's it's a very weak website another way to look at it is the main rank youmight have heard of that so domain rank determines how much authority the domainhas it's zero next one is 7.6 million so again it's a very weak website domainrank just twenty one and you will also see that the amount of backlinks here isvery very low so what this tells you again just in case you're a little bitnew to blogging is that very weak domains managed to rank on page one forthe search term and also they don't have many backlinks most likely to actuallydon't have any backlinks if we look at the backlinks so hf s-- tells us we'llopen this up it will tell us exactly where those backlinks are from and thereyou go so the backlinks for air frying dotnet are basically very low qualitybacklinks they're not backlinks at all it is a link but it's from a dump fromweb sites
with domain Authority zero so dr0 and their low-quality links so whatdoes that mean if you write an article on air fryer tater tots today you'llhave a very high chance of ranking on page one just like these other websiteshave one more thing to keep in mind here is if you go to for example this resultsair fryer air fry era F I don't know how to pronounce this if we open up thisrecipe here you will actually see the is insanely short so if I choose all ofthese text here and I right-click and I got count these words I'm getting 1400words only I'm getting 277 words guys
this is nuts so you could write anarticle that's 300 400 500 words long and you can rank on page one for akeyword that is getting 4,600 searches per month that's how easy and that's howopen wide open this niche is to anyone who wants to start a blog in this nicheand start making money and getting the traffic to your website now the type ofcontent that you would need to make to be successful in this niche is nothingcomplicated publish a simple recipe you can see that this website actually hasvery simple content no photos of the actual preparation step by step processit's just the description of how to cook things if we look at another piece ofcontent from 40 aprons confidence by bagel chicken with scallion cream cheeseagain nothing complicated here let me just close this ad you will see thatthere is one photo then another photo here you can create this pretty easilyin paint or in another free program and then just the step-by-step descriptionof exactly
how to cook this so anyone can start a blog in this niche there isno secret to creating content it's super easy and very newbie friendly how do youactually get cracking with a blog like this well here is how to start I've gota bunch of free videos on my channel so check the links in the description justthe latest video check description open up that the little arrow and have a lookat the description I will post links to videos there that will show you how tobuy a domain how to set up your website step-by-step and also they will show youhow to actually publish content so in general I recommend to publishlong-form content but of course sometimes you can publish content ofjust a thousand words one and a half thousand words two thousand words
Idescribe all of that in my free videos if you click the link in the descriptionbelow generally after you've published say 10 to 50articles that might take about one to two months for you to do after that youknow in about two to three months you generally start seeing first results ifyou're doing everything correctly but then the traffic just starts to snowballin blogging that's how blogging works I saw the same thing on a number of mysites it takes a few months to really get cracking but then you get that freeongoing traffic coming in to your website and guess what if you can get athousand visitors a day which is not very hard by the way you can make twentyseven dollars a day which is a pretty good start that's a thousand dollars amonth if you want a bit more help from me than again check the links in thedescription I've got currently a deal 35 percent
off my blogging course justcheck the links in the description and use coupon YouTube to get your 35percent off discount that's it I really hope you enjoyed the video if you didI'd really appreciate it if you can drop me a comment below tell me what youthought of this video click the like button as well that just helps me.
Best Blog Niche Ideas for 2020
I'm going to do alot of research for you and I'm going to show you the exact niche that is makingover thirty one thousand dollars a month also I'm gonna show you exactly how thatniche makes that money exact website ideas for keywords that you can use andhow you can actually get started today in this niche so first of all here isthe proof how I made thirty one thousand twohundred and twenty five dollars in one month with a food blog so the case studyand the niche and the website that we're going to be looking at today is calledforty aprons calm and this website.
This lady Cheryl and Cheryl hasbeen running this website for a little while now and she publishes regularincome reports the most recent one that I could find on her website is fromAugust 2019 and in August 2000 nineteen she made thirty one thousand dollars andif we just take a look at some of the stats here you can see here is here Iher page views so many days she gets over twenty sometimes even over thirtythousand page views let me just get that up on the big screen here so you can seeover twenty thousand page views per day normally on her websitehow does she actually make the money well luckily she has written a prettydetailed explanation.
Of her income and most of her revenue actually comes fromAD thrive if you're not familiar with AD thrive ad thrive is kind of similar toGoogle Adsense and media vine eats this is exactly where those ads that you seeon her posts are so if I go into one of her posts hereany of the posts really you will see that there is this ad at the bottom andas I'm scrolling through I'm going to see more ads see this is a net herethere is a video ad here so all of those are automatically inserted by thiscompany called ad thrive into Cheryl's posts and then people look at these adsthey see those ads they click on those ads and Cheryl gets paid either perclick or per thousand impressions
Best Blog Niche Ideas for 2020
And if you average it outshe actually shares the information here her IPM revenue per thousand impressionsokay so per thousand page views is almost $27 us which is really reallygood so for every thousand visitors that get onto her blog on to forty aprons comshe makes approximately twenty seven dollars and when you get twenty tothirty to forty thousand page views per day there's no surprise that she makesalmost a thousand dollars a day from ads out of interest I've had a look on adress to analyze this domain forty aprons calm and of course everythingchecks out but it's still interesting to see that she's currently ranking forclose to a hundred thousand different keywords and according to a travƩs shecurrently gets approximately two hundred thousand visitors per month but ofcourse she is actually getting a lot more as we saw in the income
Tends to underestimate the amount of traffic they do the same thing for mywebsite as well it shows a lot less traffic than what I'm actually gettingso let's take a look at what kind of keywords this website is currentlyranking for and surprise surprise this is of course a food blog so food nicheis an excellent niche for anyone to get into and this is something thatliterally you or you know anyone online can start doing it doesn't require anyspecial knowledge all it requires is food text and photos as you're preparingthe food and put that information up onto a blog so the way that this worksjust in case you kind of not familiar with the whole blogging situation if youlook at this keyword here eggroll in a bowl you will see that currently fortyaprons is ranking on position three for this keyword so if we take this keywordand we open up a new page as you can see here on the google search engine resultpages.
We will see that forty aprons com is ranking right here with a nicefive-star rating so that's how people find forty aprons com they type indifferent things into Google they click onto the result and then they look atthe information here and after they've looked at the information they'll clickon some ads for example they might click on this ad they might watch this videothey might click on this ad and that is exactly how for the apron score actuallymakes the money if we go back to the income report you will see that thereare some other amounts of income they are the minority that Cheryl makes hersponsored posts she has published some sponsored Porsche probably charges Iwould say anywhere from a hundred to maybe 300 dollars per sponsored postwhere she links.
Out to somebody else typically or she promotes something shealso has a coaching group so two and a half thousand dollars I'm assuming thatthis is probably most likely just one client that she's taken on but againit's just two and a half thousand out of about thirty and she's made a little bitof money from other places you can see actually her Filat earnings are quitelow just two hundred and forty four dollars but the interesting thing for mepersonally is that you can make really really good revenue per thousandimpressions in the food niche which actually has very very low competitionon Google you can publish recipes on Google and you can get so much trafficfor free from Google search if you choose your keywords correctly and weyou actually can see the perv that the ad revenue in this niche is actuallyreally high let's take a look at some of the keywords that forty aprons com iscurrently ranking.
For so again I'm inside my aged wife's account and hereare all of the keywords so seventy four thousand different keywords that arecurrently coming up on on the US Google and if I apply this keyword difficult tofilter so let's just take a look at some of the keywords thatare reasonably easy so I go to keyword difficulty maximum seven let's take alook at how many keyword opportunity is there outall right so now that list is twenty six thousand eight hundred differentkeywords which is a lot you can write a ton of articles on these twenty sixthousand different keywords and you can see that a lot of them have got keyworddifficulty of one so air fryer tater tots how cool is that she's ranked asnumber one this is keyword difficulty one and if we look at search engineresult pages you can see that the results here are super weak so we've gota website that's ranked as number five it's AR is sixty million which basicallymeans that it's at the very bottom
The ranking table onATF's it's a very weak website another way to look at it is the main rank youmight have heard of that so domain rank determines how much authority the domainhas it's zero next one is 7.6 million so again it's a very weak website domainrank just twenty one and you will also see that the amount of backlinks here isvery very low so what this tells you again just in case you're a little bitnew to blogging is that very weak domains managed to rank on page one forthe search term and also they don't have many backlinks most likely to actuallydon't have any backlinks if we look at the backlinks so hf s-- tells us we'llopen this up it will tell us exactly where those backlinks are from and thereyou go so the backlinks for air frying dotnet are basically very low qualitybacklinks they're not backlinks at all it is a link but it's from a dump fromweb sites
with domain Authority zero so dr0 and their low-quality links so whatdoes that mean if you write an article on air fryer tater tots today you'llhave a very high chance of ranking on page one just like these other websiteshave one more thing to keep in mind here is if you go to for example this resultsair fryer air fry era F I don't know how to pronounce this if we open up thisrecipe here you will actually see the is insanely short so if I choose all ofthese text here and I right-click and I got count these words I'm getting 1400words only I'm getting 277 words guys
this is nuts so you could write anarticle that's 300 400 500 words long and you can rank on page one for akeyword that is getting 4,600 searches per month that's how easy and that's howopen wide open this niche is to anyone who wants to start a blog in this nicheand start making money and getting the traffic to your website now the type ofcontent that you would need to make to be successful in this niche is nothingcomplicated publish a simple recipe you can see that this website actually hasvery simple content no photos of the actual preparation step by step processit's just the description of how to cook things if we look at another piece ofcontent from 40 aprons confidence by bagel chicken with scallion cream cheeseagain nothing complicated here let me just close this ad you will see thatthere is one photo then another photo here you can create this pretty easilyin paint or in another free program and then just the step-by-step descriptionof exactly
how to cook this so anyone can start a blog in this niche there isno secret to creating content it's super easy and very newbie friendly how do youactually get cracking with a blog like this well here is how to start I've gota bunch of free videos on my channel so check the links in the description justthe latest video check description open up that the little arrow and have a lookat the description I will post links to videos there that will show you how tobuy a domain how to set up your website step-by-step and also they will show youhow to actually publish content so in general I recommend to publishlong-form content but of course sometimes you can publish content ofjust a thousand words one and a half thousand words two thousand words
Idescribe all of that in my free videos if you click the link in the descriptionbelow generally after you've published say 10 to 50articles that might take about one to two months for you to do after that youknow in about two to three months you generally start seeing first results ifyou're doing everything correctly but then the traffic just starts to snowballin blogging that's how blogging works I saw the same thing on a number of mysites it takes a few months to really get cracking but then you get that freeongoing traffic coming in to your website and guess what if you can get athousand visitors a day which is not very hard by the way you can make twentyseven dollars a day which is a pretty good start that's a thousand dollars amonth if you want a bit more help from me than again check the links in thedescription I've got currently a deal 35 percent
off my blogging course justcheck the links in the description and use coupon YouTube to get your 35percent off discount that's it I really hope you enjoyed the video if you didI'd really appreciate it if you can drop me a comment below tell me what youthought of this video click the like button as well that just helps me.